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Wednesday, February 5, 2014

The Amazing Jojo

For those of you who’ve never had a bunny, here is something you need to know.  Bunnies are the ultimate escape artists.  They have the methodical tenacity of a velociraptor, the inflexible stubbornness of a mule and the calculated slyness of a fox.

No matter how well you think you’ve got them penned up, they always manage to escape.  No matter how well you think you’ve bunny-proofed the corner with all the wires and cords, they will always find a way in.

Last week, I rearranged Jojo’s pen to make room for his doghouse, which he has been using a lot lately.  In the process, I used Pilot’s cage and cardboard boxes to pen him up on one side.  I thought the boxes were strong enough to keep him in, turns out I was wrong.

It didn’t Jojo long to discover that if he pushed hard enough, he could move the box out of his way and hop on out.  The incident occurred after I had already put the bunnies up for bed.  I was sitting on the couch watching TV when all of a sudden, I saw Jojo hopping around the living room for a bit before deciding to lay down near the window.  I have never seen a bunny look so pleased with himself as Jojo did that night.

This isn’t the first time Jojo has escaped his pen.  Last year, I had an issue with unexplained poo pellets being around to greet me when I came home from work and school.  I typically keep the bunnies penned up when I’m not home, and I vacuum up whatever stray poo is left over at the end of the day before going to bed.

For about four days though, every time I came home there was some poo thrown about.  I couldn’t figure out what bunny was escaping or how they were, since no one tried escaping whenever I was home.  It wasn’t until one afternoon when I came home early and found Jojo out and about, hopping around like he owned the place.  Apparently, this little bunny was escaping from his pen whenever I left my apartment by jumping over the boxes.  He would then proceed to spend the day hopping around until I got home.  

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