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Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Messes, Thumping And A Sandbox

Well somebunny is having a meltdown of epic proportions because I cleaned their cage.  Rigby did not like the way I redecorated his cage, specifically, the fact that his litter box was turned around and pushed to the very back of his cage.  He then proceeded to push and pull his box until it was to his liking.

When rabbits are upset, they’ll hop around, run, thump their feet and will even occasionally make a little piggy/honking sound if they’re especially worked.Pilot is a big fan of the honking noise and thumping.  Jojo and Rigby like to do their own thing and will often times ignore Pilot.  Whenever Pilot wants them to pay him attention however, he’ll start thumping on the floor of his cage in an attempt to get them to face him.

Unfortunately for Pilot, that thumping doesn’t seem to work on anyone.  Sure, Jojo and Rigby may turn and face Pilot for a moment, but they won’t actually go up to him.  They will also turn back to whatever it is they were doing, and continue to ignore Pilot immediately after.

On a happier note, the bunnies received a new toy last week.  Since Pilot has a habit of digging the bedding out of his litter box, and since Rigby likes to scratch at carpet, I decided to buy the bunnies a sandbox. 

And it isn’t a puny little sandbox.  No, it’s a big ol’ daddy sandbox that’s in the shape of a turtle.  It even comes with a cover for the sandbox, which coincidently, is molded in the shape of turtle shell. 

So my living room is now completely covered in bunny-related items.  

On the bright side, the bunnies seem to enjoy it so far.  I hid little chewing toys and apple-flavored wood sticks in the sand so they have fun digging them up.

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