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Meet Jojo...

Jojo is the oldest bunny of the group; a brown one-year-old Holland Lop bunny who's been with me since May 2013.  His birthday is May 13, 2013.

As the oldest brother, Jojo likes to demonstrate that he’s top bunny (aside from me of course), by showing his brothers who's the boss.  He will often place his nose in front of his bothers’ faces, refusing to move until they have groomed him.  He also likes to keep his brothers in line by trimming their whiskers, so that his are the longest.  

Contrary to the popular belief that all a rabbit eat is carrots,  Jojo's diet consists of of hay, greens, fruits, vegetables and pellets.  He loves bananas, apples, cranberries, carrots and the rare apple juice-infused water. And like all mischievous children, Jojo will eat his dessert (fruit) before eating his greens. 

 When he’s happy, he’ll binky around my apartment.  This usually involves him running around my furniture, and twisting and jumping in the air.  He loves head rubs and face massages.  And if your arm gets tired from petting him, don’t think he’ll let you stop until he’s satisfied.  If you stop petting Jojo before he has given you permission to stop, he will nudge your hand with his nose so that your hand is back on top of his head.

He's very smart, and will come when I call him.  He also recognizes the sound of the crinkling of a wrapper, and will race over to wherever I am to see if there's dried fruit inside.  He's also very spoiled, and currently owns his very own dog house, hide-away tunnel and cat toy, and he shares the community sandbox with his brothers.

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