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Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Music And Bunnies

Here's a Rigby to brighten up your day!! :)

I made an interesting discovery last week.  Apparently, the bunnies like music.  While normally very active, noisy and all over the place, once music starts playing, all three bunnies start to quiet down and remain still.   

Pilot, the littlest one, seems to especially like music, but then again, he’s also the one bunny who likes watching TV.  Speaking of Pilot, he’s my little odd bunny, momma’s special boy.  And before you start to judge me, here are just a few of Pilot’s odd habits.

One of Pilot’s favorite hobbies is to watch Jojo.  Often times, I’ll look over toward Pilot’s cage, only to see him pressed up against it, jumping back and forth in sync to Jojo’s movements.  He also likes to stand on top of his pellet bowl and stretch to the top of his cage. 

Pilot also likes to stare at the wall for periods of time.  Whether he’s eating his greens or is in his litter box, he’ll just stop whatever he’s doing and start staring at the wall.  Why does he do it, I don’t know.

Rigby on the other hand likes to be constantly moving and likes to decorate his cage on a daily basis.  Normally, Rigby’s litter box is located toward the very back of his cage.  Whenever he’s feeling energetic though, he’ll move his box to the middle of the cage so he can run laps around it.  When he’s all tired out and ready for a bunny nap, he’ll just push the box back to the back of the cage and stretch out in front of it.

Normally a well-behaved bunny, Jojo hardly ever gets in trouble, unlike his two brothers.  He does have a mischievous streak to him though.  Jojo loves treats, and he even recognizes the sound of his treat bag.  All it takes is a shaking of the bag to get him to come running to you. 

Jojo’s love for his treats is what got him into trouble the other day.  About a week and a half ago, I had Pilot on the couch with me and was about to give him a treat, when guess who decided to come up and steal Pilot’s treat?  That’s right, the one and only Jojo.  He just hopped right on over to the couch and snatched that nut treat straight out of my hand.

Needless to say, Pilot got a new treat, and while I was in the process of scolding Jojo, all it took was one look at the cute little bunny face and he got off scot-free.

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