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I absolutely hate talking about myself...

But I figured it's kinda important if people know a bit about the bunny slave who's running this blog. You know, so you don't think I'm some kind of freaky weirdo who loves bunnies.  The truth is, I'm just a regular weirdo who loves bunnies.

And so, without further ado, here is everything you need to know about me presented via list form (the only type of form that really matters):

1. I absolutely adore bunnies!!! (duh!) And basically any other animal.

2. My name is Kathleen

3. I've only been with my bunnies for a year now, but I did plenty of research on them before getting them.  I fancy myself as a sort of bunny expert now. :) 

4. I attend school in South Texas, where I just finished my undergrad and am getting ready to start grad school.

5. Aside from my floppy-ear friends, my other passion is reading and writing, and I hope to one day become a published author.  

6. I have 6+ years of journalism experience, and have won various awards for my writing.

7. I'm a bit of a grammar freak, and will usually make sure everything I write is grammatically correct. (Shout out to all those mistakes I see on Facebook! Just know, I'm silently judging you all) :)  

8. My absolute favorite band is Twenty One Pilots.  If you haven't heard of them you definitely need to check them out! (Seriously!) 

9. I love animals so much that I'm actually a vegan.

10. I like to binge-watch TV shows, and usually stay up late watching Netflix movies (when I'm not reading).  

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