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Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Window Gazing

It has been brought to my attention recently, that Jojo has developed an infatuation with the outside.  Specifically, with the shrubs located right outside my living room windows.

It all happened a few weeks ago.  During the day I usually pull open the living room curtains so as to light up the room without having to turn on a lamp.  On this particular day I decided to go ahead and open up the blinds to let in more sunlight.

Immediately Jojo came up behind me, stood up on hind legs, placed his front paws on the windowsill ledge and started staring outside.  After seeing this, I went over and pulled up the blinds so he could have a better view of the outside.

For about five solid minutes, Jojo stood there, standing on his hind legs while gazing out the window.  A couple of times he even tried jumping up onto the ledge, but was too small to reach. 

Since then, Jojo has spent a lot of time by the window.  I even had to get two pillows from my couch to use as a booster seat for him, that way he would be more comfortable and have a better view.

Apparently Jojo appreciated my efforts, and even voiced his approval at his comfy seating by chinning the pillows, letting me and his brothers know that they were now his. 

On an unrelated note, Jojo also exercised his authority as the boss of the apartment by conducting his weekly rechinning of all the furniture in my living room, including a pair of shoes that was laying around, Rigby’s water bottle and a few Play Station games that were actually neatly tucked away on a shelf.  On an even less unrelated note, the games are no longer neatly put away, some were pushed to the back of the shelf and some spilled onto the floor.

Between his constant window gazing, and the fact that he runs to the door every time I open it to leave, I think it’s time Jojo learns how to put on his bunny harness.  Unlike Rigby and Pilot, who I can actually get into their harnesses, Jojo has a tendency to run away and hide anytime I try putting his harness on him.  Hopefully by his birthday on the 13th, I’ll be able to get it on him, that way I can take him to park to play and celebrate his birthday.

Shout out to my Pilot and his cute bunny face :) He's the only one of my boys that actually likes to cuddle with me.

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