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Wednesday, April 23, 2014

And The Award For Best Bunny Slave Goes To

I am convinced that bunnies are the most sensitive pets in the world.  Not only do they require daily brushings, lots of attention and the freshest of foods, they also refuse to drink or eat from any bowl other than their own.

To say bunnies are territorial is putting it lightly.  Everyday, my bunnies will mark their territory by chinning everything from their food bowl and litter box, to their hay basket and toys, clearing indicating to the other two what belongs to them.  If you so much as let another bunny near their bowl, they will share their thoughts on the matter by having a full-out bunny tantrum.    

All my bunnies are given their own pellet bowl, water bowl, salad bowl and their own hay basket.  Rigby and Pilot have the same kind of salad bowl and the same kind of water bottle.  

In order to avoid giving the wrong bowl to the wrong bunny, I have to look for subtle differences.  For instance, Rigby likes to chew on his things, so his bowl has little bite marks on it, while Pilot’s is smooth and clear.  Rigby’s water bottle has red writing on it, while Pilot’s has blue. 

Unfortunately, the other week, I messed up, and accidently gave Rigby’s water bottle to Pilot, and vice versa.  Being the oblivious bunny slave that I am, I didn’t notice the mistake.  It wasn’t until Rigby refused to drink water, that I noticed something was wrong.     

Mind you, Rigby is like a little camel, he loves his water, and is always the first one to need a refill.  Well, on this particular day, he didn’t even touch his water, and I couldn’t for the life of me, figure out why not.   It wasn’t until I noticed the mix up and switched their bottles, did he finally start drinking water.

Jojo is a different story.  Just the other night he threw a bunny tantrum, and tossed all the hay from his basket all over my living room.  Jojo has a fondness for the fuzzy, cattail-like pieces of hay, in fact, he prefers eating these over the straw-like pieces. 

Now, I do a lot for my bunnies.  Unfortunately, picking out and serving only their favorite pieces of hay is not one of them.  Jojo didn’t like the fact that he had to dig through the entire basket in search of his favorite pieces, and decided to let me know this by tossing his hay all over the room.

In the end, I ended up having to search through the mess of hay that covered my floor, in an attempt to appease the bunny.  I spent the rest of the night feeding him his fuzzy hay pieces.  Luckily, I was rewarded for my efforts, and given plenty of bunny licks all over my hand.   

Bunny Slave to my three boys

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