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Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Why Are You So Obsessed With Me

Last night, I took a quiz on buzzfeed.com called “How obsessed with your pet are you?”  It goes without saying, that my score was pretty high, teetering between flat-out obsession and pure craziness.  It might have something to do with the framed bunny picture I have hanging in my living room, or the fact that I only give my bunnies bottled or filtered water.

It might also have something to do with all the planning I’ve been doing for Jojo’s first birthday next month.  As of now, his gift and cake have been taken care of.  For his gift, I am getting him this bunny toy where you put his favorite treats inside these four wooden boxes.  The boxes slide into this little shelf, and attached to the boxes are pieces of rope that he can grab with his teeth.  The point is for him to slide and pull out the boxes with his teeth in order to reach the treat.

 For his cake, I am making him a banana-carrot-strawberry cake, topped with mint and rose petals.  I am also currently in the process of buying party hats small enough to fit him and his brothers, and am working on making his birthday card and invitations.    

While we’re on the topic of Jojo, you might like to know what he’s been up to this past week.  First off, Jojo has now become a free-range bunny.  He is left out all day and all night, and has full access to every room in my apartment.  As of now, it seems to be working, Jojo has been a good little bunny, and nothing appears to be destroyed.

Because of his newfound freedom though, he thinks it means he can stay up all night, running around and playing while I’m trying to sleep.  He ends up sleeping throughout the day, and wakes up just in time for dinner when I get home. 

He’s also much braver now, you know, since he’s becoming a little bunny man.  Instead of hiding away when people come over, he now hops up to them and sniffs them before hopping away.  Sometimes he even lets them get in a pet or two.  He has also taken to running to the door every time I open it.  He’ll hop right up to the edge and peek his little head out, before getting shooed away.

It’s like having a baby; once the baby starts walking they get into everything.  Once the bunny got complete freedom, he started going everywhere.

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