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Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Happy Birthday, Jojo!

It's Jojo's birthday!! Well, technically, it was Jojo's birthday.

Born May 13, 2013, my little Jojo is officially 1-year-old now :)

Here are a few pictures from my little boy's birthday celebration

Jojo got his very own outfit, a new toy and mini bunny cakes made out of pellets, bananas, mint and strawberries.  I also made the bunnies their very own customize party hats. 

Friday, May 9, 2014

He Jumps...He Scores...

So for the past few weeks, Jojo has been fascinated with the outdoors.  I constantly find him gazing out the window, and I see him trying to pull himself up onto the ledge.


Apparently hard work really does pay off!

(Trumpet Fanfare) "Presenting: Jojo! The master of window hopping!"
(Cue Applause) 

Jojo finally learned how to jump onto the window ledge.  Now, provided I did create him a little makeshift staircase out of pillows, but he did the hard part of jumping. 

Jojo loves being up there, and will walk back and forth from one side to the other.  Unfortunately, due to how narrow the ledge is, Jojo ended up falling down as he was trying to turn around.  Did that keep him from going back up there though? Not at all!

He was back at it moments later. 

Thursday, May 8, 2014

TBT-Bunny Edition

I've never done a TBT for myself, but like any good bunny slave, I'll do anything for my bunnies.  Here's my three boys back when they were just bunny babies :)

Monday, May 5, 2014

A Bunny And His Tea

I had a sweet tea from Taco Bell a while back, and guess what little furry-four legged creature wanted a sip...

That's right, none other than Jojo himself.

He was attracted by the smell, so he came over to investigate.

Silly bun, tea is for humans.  

No worries, the cup was empty, so no tea for the bun bun.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Somebunny Woke Up On The Wrong Side Of The Bed

About a week ago, I woke up to quite a sight; a sleepy bunny that had slits for eyes and fur sticking up in all directions.  It was evident to me that some bunny didn’t get much sleep during the night. 

Now, if you’ve been keeping up with this blog, you probably already know about Jojo’s living situation, and how he is a cage-free bunny with absolute freedom to go wherever in my apartment.  Rigby and Pilot though, who are notorious for chewing wires and digging up carpet, are kept in their cages during the night.

Typically, I usually go to sleep around one in the morning, sometimes later depending on my homework load.  The bunnies seem to have no problem with this, and are usually up and about by eight the next morning.

Well, on this particular morning, Jojo looked like he hadn’t gotten any sleep during the night.  I’m telling you, he looked a mess.  Think of a college student the morning of a final exam, put it in bunny form, and you got Jojo.  His eyes were heavy, and he looked like a bunny that was having a seriously bad hair day.

Sleepy bun under my bed
The only reason I could think of as to why Jojo looked like he hadn’t slept much was the fact that his brothers probably kept him up all night.  Jojo is the quietest bunny of the group, while the noise his brothers make could raise the dead.

While Jojo does have complete freedom to every room in my apartment, I usually keep my bedroom door closed.  Since I felt bad for him though, and wanted him to get a good night’s sleep, I decided to leave my bedroom door open during the night.

I hadn’t had the door open for more than a minute before he came hopping in.  After sniffing my stuff and chinning everything he could reach, he settled in underneath my bed.   About an hour later I got up to check on him, only to notice he was still under my bed, fast asleep.

The next morning, I found him in the living room, looking well rested and very refreshed.  Being the sucker I am when it comes to these bunnies, I’ve started leaving my bedroom door open when I go to sleep.  It goes without saying; Jojo is quite pleased with this new arrangement, and has been spending the past couple of nights sleeping under my bed.    

In honor of all things bunny related, here is a collage of my sleepy bunny :)

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

And The Award For Best Bunny Slave Goes To

I am convinced that bunnies are the most sensitive pets in the world.  Not only do they require daily brushings, lots of attention and the freshest of foods, they also refuse to drink or eat from any bowl other than their own.

To say bunnies are territorial is putting it lightly.  Everyday, my bunnies will mark their territory by chinning everything from their food bowl and litter box, to their hay basket and toys, clearing indicating to the other two what belongs to them.  If you so much as let another bunny near their bowl, they will share their thoughts on the matter by having a full-out bunny tantrum.    

All my bunnies are given their own pellet bowl, water bowl, salad bowl and their own hay basket.  Rigby and Pilot have the same kind of salad bowl and the same kind of water bottle.  

In order to avoid giving the wrong bowl to the wrong bunny, I have to look for subtle differences.  For instance, Rigby likes to chew on his things, so his bowl has little bite marks on it, while Pilot’s is smooth and clear.  Rigby’s water bottle has red writing on it, while Pilot’s has blue. 

Unfortunately, the other week, I messed up, and accidently gave Rigby’s water bottle to Pilot, and vice versa.  Being the oblivious bunny slave that I am, I didn’t notice the mistake.  It wasn’t until Rigby refused to drink water, that I noticed something was wrong.     

Mind you, Rigby is like a little camel, he loves his water, and is always the first one to need a refill.  Well, on this particular day, he didn’t even touch his water, and I couldn’t for the life of me, figure out why not.   It wasn’t until I noticed the mix up and switched their bottles, did he finally start drinking water.

Jojo is a different story.  Just the other night he threw a bunny tantrum, and tossed all the hay from his basket all over my living room.  Jojo has a fondness for the fuzzy, cattail-like pieces of hay, in fact, he prefers eating these over the straw-like pieces. 

Now, I do a lot for my bunnies.  Unfortunately, picking out and serving only their favorite pieces of hay is not one of them.  Jojo didn’t like the fact that he had to dig through the entire basket in search of his favorite pieces, and decided to let me know this by tossing his hay all over the room.

In the end, I ended up having to search through the mess of hay that covered my floor, in an attempt to appease the bunny.  I spent the rest of the night feeding him his fuzzy hay pieces.  Luckily, I was rewarded for my efforts, and given plenty of bunny licks all over my hand.   

Bunny Slave to my three boys

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Window Gazing

It has been brought to my attention recently, that Jojo has developed an infatuation with the outside.  Specifically, with the shrubs located right outside my living room windows.

It all happened a few weeks ago.  During the day I usually pull open the living room curtains so as to light up the room without having to turn on a lamp.  On this particular day I decided to go ahead and open up the blinds to let in more sunlight.

Immediately Jojo came up behind me, stood up on hind legs, placed his front paws on the windowsill ledge and started staring outside.  After seeing this, I went over and pulled up the blinds so he could have a better view of the outside.

For about five solid minutes, Jojo stood there, standing on his hind legs while gazing out the window.  A couple of times he even tried jumping up onto the ledge, but was too small to reach. 

Since then, Jojo has spent a lot of time by the window.  I even had to get two pillows from my couch to use as a booster seat for him, that way he would be more comfortable and have a better view.

Apparently Jojo appreciated my efforts, and even voiced his approval at his comfy seating by chinning the pillows, letting me and his brothers know that they were now his. 

On an unrelated note, Jojo also exercised his authority as the boss of the apartment by conducting his weekly rechinning of all the furniture in my living room, including a pair of shoes that was laying around, Rigby’s water bottle and a few Play Station games that were actually neatly tucked away on a shelf.  On an even less unrelated note, the games are no longer neatly put away, some were pushed to the back of the shelf and some spilled onto the floor.

Between his constant window gazing, and the fact that he runs to the door every time I open it to leave, I think it’s time Jojo learns how to put on his bunny harness.  Unlike Rigby and Pilot, who I can actually get into their harnesses, Jojo has a tendency to run away and hide anytime I try putting his harness on him.  Hopefully by his birthday on the 13th, I’ll be able to get it on him, that way I can take him to park to play and celebrate his birthday.

Shout out to my Pilot and his cute bunny face :) He's the only one of my boys that actually likes to cuddle with me.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Why Are You So Obsessed With Me

Last night, I took a quiz on buzzfeed.com called “How obsessed with your pet are you?”  It goes without saying, that my score was pretty high, teetering between flat-out obsession and pure craziness.  It might have something to do with the framed bunny picture I have hanging in my living room, or the fact that I only give my bunnies bottled or filtered water.

It might also have something to do with all the planning I’ve been doing for Jojo’s first birthday next month.  As of now, his gift and cake have been taken care of.  For his gift, I am getting him this bunny toy where you put his favorite treats inside these four wooden boxes.  The boxes slide into this little shelf, and attached to the boxes are pieces of rope that he can grab with his teeth.  The point is for him to slide and pull out the boxes with his teeth in order to reach the treat.

 For his cake, I am making him a banana-carrot-strawberry cake, topped with mint and rose petals.  I am also currently in the process of buying party hats small enough to fit him and his brothers, and am working on making his birthday card and invitations.    

While we’re on the topic of Jojo, you might like to know what he’s been up to this past week.  First off, Jojo has now become a free-range bunny.  He is left out all day and all night, and has full access to every room in my apartment.  As of now, it seems to be working, Jojo has been a good little bunny, and nothing appears to be destroyed.

Because of his newfound freedom though, he thinks it means he can stay up all night, running around and playing while I’m trying to sleep.  He ends up sleeping throughout the day, and wakes up just in time for dinner when I get home. 

He’s also much braver now, you know, since he’s becoming a little bunny man.  Instead of hiding away when people come over, he now hops up to them and sniffs them before hopping away.  Sometimes he even lets them get in a pet or two.  He has also taken to running to the door every time I open it.  He’ll hop right up to the edge and peek his little head out, before getting shooed away.

It’s like having a baby; once the baby starts walking they get into everything.  Once the bunny got complete freedom, he started going everywhere.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Let Them Sleep

Bunny-mohawk! :)

You know that phrase, “let sleeping dogs lie?”  

Well, that little nugget of wisdom perfectly sums up my past weekend, except it’s about bunnies and I literally mean sleeping.  Let sleeping bunnies lie...literally.  There, that’s more appropriate. 

Moving on, this past weekend I experienced what could only be explained as the grumpus lagomorpha syndrome, or in laymen’s terms, the grumpy bunny syndrome.  Side effects included a sour attitude, grumpy appearance and an acute reaction to the smallest pinprick of light.   I guess this is what happens when you stay up until seven in the morning watching Netflix movies and Looney Toons.

While I was fine with my all-nighter movie marathon, the bunnies were another story all together.  Around 4 AM, after sulking around the living room a bit, Jojo voiced his displeasure with me by refusing to acknowledge me or my attempt to pet him.  Instead, he decided to glare at me before hopping inside his doghouse.  He came out about an hour or so later, plopped down in front of his house, and continued to glare in my direction.

Rigby and Pilot were also displaying signs of grumpiness, as the night progressed.  Pilot did his thing, and thumped at anything and everything that irritated him, including me laughing a little too loudly at something.  Rigby took a different approach, and decided it would be more beneficial if he reminded me of how tired he was by constantly stretching and bunny flopping onto his side.

The rest of the weekend was just as bad, as the bunnies recovered from their all-nighter.  All day Saturday, they lounged about very lazily, and refused to move around.  The entire day they slept on and off, and were only active long enough to eat their salads and treats.  And whenever I tried to play with them or call them, they refused to move out of their bunny loaf positions.

It wasn’t until Monday, when the bunnies finally got out of their funk, and started running amuck and making their usual mess.  Not wanting to have to experience their wrath anymore, I have since taken a more conscious effort to try and be in bed no later than one in the morning.