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Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Procrastination Does Achieve Something

Procrastination was at its finest the other night, as I avoided my responsibilities by doing everything but my homework.  In my attempt to hide from the world, Jojo learned a new game.

So, the bunnies have this pile of popsicles sticks that they like to play with.  Rigby likes to chew and bite them half, Pilot only nibbles them, and Jojo prefers arranging them into a nice little pile.

On this particular night, I was sitting on the floor with Jojo, completely ignoring my homework.  I started petting him and massaging his jaw, when I noticed his popsicle sticks were thrown nearby. 

I stopped petting him, picked up one of the sticks and held it out in front of his face.  As curious as he is, Jojo started sniffing the stick and even went on to grab it with his teeth.  He then pulled the stick out of my hand, turned his little head and placed the stick beside him. 

Time after time, Jojo took the sticks out of my hand and placed them in his little pile by his side.  Even when he placed one of the sticks a little too far away, Jojo stopped to pick it up again and rearranged it into his neat little pile.  

Our little game continued for a good ten minutes or so before Jojo became bored and hopped away, but not without licking my nose first.  Apparently I did a good job at playing, and Jojo was very impressed with my stick holding skills.

Rigby on the other hand was not as thrilled, and instead, settled for a game of human fetch.  I held out a stick to him, only to have him grab it and toss it off to the side.  I went and picked it up, and held it out to him again, but he just did the same thing.  Over and over, Rigby threw and I fetched, just like the obedient bunny slave I am.  

Pilot though, couldn’t be bothered, and opted to just sniff at the sticks as he stretched out lazily.  He did however manage to find the energy to thump his foot at me when I scolded him for eating paper later on.  Needless to say, the remainder of my night consisted of not doing my homework.

Bunny Approved!

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