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Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Somebunny Woke Up On The Wrong Side Of The Bed

About a week ago, I woke up to quite a sight; a sleepy bunny that had slits for eyes and fur sticking up in all directions.  It was evident to me that some bunny didn’t get much sleep during the night. 

Now, if you’ve been keeping up with this blog, you probably already know about Jojo’s living situation, and how he is a cage-free bunny with absolute freedom to go wherever in my apartment.  Rigby and Pilot though, who are notorious for chewing wires and digging up carpet, are kept in their cages during the night.

Typically, I usually go to sleep around one in the morning, sometimes later depending on my homework load.  The bunnies seem to have no problem with this, and are usually up and about by eight the next morning.

Well, on this particular morning, Jojo looked like he hadn’t gotten any sleep during the night.  I’m telling you, he looked a mess.  Think of a college student the morning of a final exam, put it in bunny form, and you got Jojo.  His eyes were heavy, and he looked like a bunny that was having a seriously bad hair day.

Sleepy bun under my bed
The only reason I could think of as to why Jojo looked like he hadn’t slept much was the fact that his brothers probably kept him up all night.  Jojo is the quietest bunny of the group, while the noise his brothers make could raise the dead.

While Jojo does have complete freedom to every room in my apartment, I usually keep my bedroom door closed.  Since I felt bad for him though, and wanted him to get a good night’s sleep, I decided to leave my bedroom door open during the night.

I hadn’t had the door open for more than a minute before he came hopping in.  After sniffing my stuff and chinning everything he could reach, he settled in underneath my bed.   About an hour later I got up to check on him, only to notice he was still under my bed, fast asleep.

The next morning, I found him in the living room, looking well rested and very refreshed.  Being the sucker I am when it comes to these bunnies, I’ve started leaving my bedroom door open when I go to sleep.  It goes without saying; Jojo is quite pleased with this new arrangement, and has been spending the past couple of nights sleeping under my bed.    

In honor of all things bunny related, here is a collage of my sleepy bunny :)

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