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Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Let Them Sleep

Bunny-mohawk! :)

You know that phrase, “let sleeping dogs lie?”  

Well, that little nugget of wisdom perfectly sums up my past weekend, except it’s about bunnies and I literally mean sleeping.  Let sleeping bunnies lie...literally.  There, that’s more appropriate. 

Moving on, this past weekend I experienced what could only be explained as the grumpus lagomorpha syndrome, or in laymen’s terms, the grumpy bunny syndrome.  Side effects included a sour attitude, grumpy appearance and an acute reaction to the smallest pinprick of light.   I guess this is what happens when you stay up until seven in the morning watching Netflix movies and Looney Toons.

While I was fine with my all-nighter movie marathon, the bunnies were another story all together.  Around 4 AM, after sulking around the living room a bit, Jojo voiced his displeasure with me by refusing to acknowledge me or my attempt to pet him.  Instead, he decided to glare at me before hopping inside his doghouse.  He came out about an hour or so later, plopped down in front of his house, and continued to glare in my direction.

Rigby and Pilot were also displaying signs of grumpiness, as the night progressed.  Pilot did his thing, and thumped at anything and everything that irritated him, including me laughing a little too loudly at something.  Rigby took a different approach, and decided it would be more beneficial if he reminded me of how tired he was by constantly stretching and bunny flopping onto his side.

The rest of the weekend was just as bad, as the bunnies recovered from their all-nighter.  All day Saturday, they lounged about very lazily, and refused to move around.  The entire day they slept on and off, and were only active long enough to eat their salads and treats.  And whenever I tried to play with them or call them, they refused to move out of their bunny loaf positions.

It wasn’t until Monday, when the bunnies finally got out of their funk, and started running amuck and making their usual mess.  Not wanting to have to experience their wrath anymore, I have since taken a more conscious effort to try and be in bed no later than one in the morning.

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