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Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Bunny Morals

It’s the bunny way or no way for my three boys.  Recently, Jojo, who is normally a very well behaved bunny, has taken to chewing my stuff.  I thought this was a habit he had outgrown seeing as how he hasn’t chewed anything since he was just a baby, but apparently I was wrong.

Lately, Jojo has chewed though various wires and rubber items, including, but not limited to, one iPhone charger, two laptop chargers, one Nintendo 64 cord and a TV remote.  He has also recently tried scratching and pulling at the carpet in my living room, but that quickly ended after being placed in timeout for a few hours.

For the most part, I’ve been able to stop him before he did too much damage.  He did however manage to completely destroy my iPhone charger beyond repair, but that was my fault for not giving his royal self the attention he felt he so rightly deserved.  Apparently, ignoring your bunny for homework is not a good enough excuse in their eyes, and is grounds for destruction of your property.

Additionally, Jojo has taken to jumping on top of me and waking me up whenever I nap on the living room couch, his way of demanding my undivided attention.  Needless to say, my afternoon nap was cut short Friday after his fluffy little body woke me up three times in the span of 20 minutes.

It was only after I gave him a, I kid you not, 30-minute long face massage, that Jojo decided I was forgiven for ignoring him.  He then proceed to demonstrate his forgiveness by licking and grooming my entire hand before hopping away.

Since then, Mr. Jojo has returned to his normal, well-behaved self, and has even taken to following me around my apartment like a puppy whenever he wants something.  He has also demanded more face massages and will nudge my hand if I so much as remove my hand from his face. 

The moral of the story, don’t ever ignore your bunny. 

On a different note, Jojo is loving the sandbox.

One of these things is not like the other...

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