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Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Christmas Time At The Bunny Residence

Bunny stockings for my three little boys :)
The bunnies just received their late-Christmas present, a very stylish, extra large doghouse that has since been coined The New and Improved Bunny Shack.  Their old bunny shack was made out of cardboard boxes, but had to be thrown out after it started to fall apart.  For three little bun buns that don’t even weigh a combined total of more than 15 pounds, the doghouse looks more like a bunny condo than a bunny shack. 

Rather than being excited about his new playhouse, Jojo, the oldest bunny, was more excited about the packing paper that the doghouse was packed in.  Needless to say, in addition to the four cardboard boxes, one basket, various wicker balls and three blocks of wood I have laying around my living room floor, I have now added a pile of packing paper to the bunnies’ playthings. 

It wasn’t until I added a blanket, a basket, some hay and Jojo’s stuffed rabbit that Jojo started showing more interest in The Bunny Shack.  He has recently taken to hanging around near the opening to the doghouse where he plays with the basket, while occasionally sticking his little bunny head out the entrance to look around.     

So all in all, I would call the new bunny shack a success.  The only downside to it is the fact that it takes up a lot of room.  The bunnies like to binky, which is when they run around and jump around my apartment whenever they’re excited about something, like receiving treats or getting out after being penned up all day. 

Jojo especially has a little trail that he likes to run whenever he’s binkying around the apartment.  Unfortunately for him though, The Bunny Shack is currently taking up some of his running room.  As of now, Jojo has bumped into The Bunny Shack at least three times already.  But does that stop him?  Not a chance.  Doesn’t even slow him down, he just keeps on zooming past the doghouse before circling around the coffee table and couch for another lap.  

Jojo-approved Christmas tree

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